Make Your Own Lures

Make Your Own Fishing Lures
Discover how you can easily make your own inexpensive and effective fishing lures with complete illustrations of plugs, bugs, spoons, spinners, jigs, sinkers and leaders.

Wild Rainbow

Wild Rainbow
One of my hand carved Lures
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Monday, August 2, 2010

Hot enough for ya! - How To Make Your Own Cat Fish "Stink Bait"

Wow! I can't believe it is August already! It is going to be over 100 degrees again today. It's been so hot even the fish are buying air conditioners. Bass are deep and Crappie are even deeper. Ya know I love fishing but it has been so hot I can't bring myself out to hit the lake! My granddad used to say there are only two kinds of weather to go fishing in and that's when it's rainin' and when it's not, but I gotta say if he was alive today he would say it's too dad gum HOT to go fishin' today! I learned a lot from him. I was glued to his side when I was a little kid. Thank God he was a patient man. I don't ever remember him raising his voice in anger to me even when I did really dumb stuff, and I'm sure he had days when he could have "whupped up on me" for the stuff I did. He had a great recipe for catfish bait. That stuff stunk worse than a dead skunks butt. Well anyway; the recipe goes like this: Get a 5 gallon bucket, put in a 5lb. bag of coarse ground Corn Meal, add 2 lbs of mashed up Chicken Livers (Blood & all), 2 cans of Chicken Broth (Cheaper the better or better yet make your own), and about a gallon of hot water mix the whole mess together to make a thick paste, Cover and set out on the back porch for all least 5 days before you use it. It should be thick enough to mold onto your hook but if it's not add corn meal until it is. To use it you take a lump of the mix and mold it around a treble hook and have at it! If you would rather use an old nylon stocking to hold the mash go ahead and then tie that onto your hook. I use rubber or latex gloves to handle it 'cause it is nasty. You can also use a slurry of old fish guts, blood and stuff after you clean your fish and add that into the mix for added stink if you are hard core. I have an old blender that I use to make my "Catfish Stink Bait" when I add the fish guts and stuff. I blend it all to a thick "goop" and add it to the bucket of corn meal, chicken livers and blood. Awesome stuff, and it works great.           

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